XenTegra - The NetScaler Session
NetScaler application delivery and security solutions are designed to ensure that business-critical applications perform well and remain secure. Centered around a comprehensive application delivery controller and advanced WAN, these solutions help companies succeed by ensuring an optimal user experience.
XenTegra - The NetScaler Session
The Citrix Session - Network Edition - What's New With NetScaler
Chris Doran
Season 2
Episode 2
The NetScaler name is back, the features are fresh, and the options are limitless. Join us for a chat on:
- NetScaler name change/business unit change etc.
- Adaptive Auth (really cool now in SPA)
- Application Delivery and Security Service
- Web App and API Service
- Advantages of the same VPX code on premises, and in all the clouds.
Big thanks to Richard Faulkner (Citrix - Technical Marketing Architect) for joining and sharing the knowledge!